Physical wellness is a property that every human being plays a role in. It plays a huge important in everyone’s lives and this factor raises an awareness for people to start educating themselves and learning what impacts physical health plays in one’s life and the society we live in. Society today is plagued by my many diseases that have an implication on our physical health and the life we live. With statistics showing more people dying every year from health-related problems. As well as an increasing aging people with many dying at an early age than they are supposed to.

This is a cause of a misinformed and uneducated society, that does not make efforts on becoming a learning society and trusting mainstream media and industry. That does not have their best interests at heart, because we live in a society were materialistic things and pleasure are more important than happiness. The ignorance of society on physical wellness education leads to the increasing markets of obesity rates, chronic diseases and malnutrition. This is very concerning and harmful as a society because many are suffering to be stimulated by pleasure which takes away your living purpose of being a healthy and happy person.

“Overall physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, nutrition and mental well-being to keep your body in top condition”. This creates a personal responsibility of your health awareness and you can identify what are you successful in and what you are not. Physical wellness is split up to 3 categories that connect mind, body and soul as one. Physical activity helps keep your body in a healthy condition and helps burn calories in the form of energy. Nutrition teaches you how to nurture and nourish your body by eating a well-balanced diet that is not unhealthy for your body. Mental well being is a positive benefit of investing in your wellness as become mentally clear and can deal with mental health issues. “Having optimal levels of physical activity and maintaining proper nutrition is key to improving your overall emotional wellness. Not only will you sharpen your thinking and learning abilities, you will also enhance your sense of self-esteem and self-control.

Physical Wellness Strategies

1.       Get Active

2.       Personal Weight Management

3.       Find a healthy weight

4.       Know about metabolism

5.       Eat a healthy diet

6.       Build healthy habits

There are many strategies and program you can implement for this. To gain access to physical wellness program get in contact via email and you will be subscribed to the blog and receive educational programs. As well as you can purchase nutrition products to make use of.



(Student Health And Counselling Service, n.d.)


Student Health And Counselling Service. (n.d.). University of California. Retrieved from Student Health And Counselling Service: https://shcs.ucdavis.edu/wellness/physical/#:~:text=Physical%20wellness%20promotes%20proper%20care%20of%20our%20bodies,well-being%20to%20keep%20your%20body%20in%20top%20condition.



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